Applications are now open for the 2022 NAIDOC Local Grants program. This grant round provides funding to Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations to contribute to the costs of local and regional NAIDOC activities across Australia. NAIDOC activities should align with the 2022 theme ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’.
The objectives of the program are to promote:
- the expression, engagement and conservation of Indigenous Australians’ cultures
- Indigenous Australians’ participation in the social and economic life of Australia through healing, and strengthening the capability, governance and leadership of Indigenous Australians, organisations and communities
- broader understanding and acceptance of the unique place of Indigenous Australians’ cultures in Australian society.
The intended outcomes of the program are to:
- contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of Indigenous Australians’ cultural expression and conservation, including recognition of Australia’s shared history and valuable Indigenous Australian heritage
- support activities that increase the participation of Indigenous Australians in Australian society through healing and improved individual, community and organisational capability and leadership
- promote the unique place Indigenous Australians and their cultures have in Australian society.
To be eligible to apply for grant funding under the NAIDOC Local Grants opportunity you must be one of the following entity types:
- Company
- Cooperative
- Corporate State or Territory Entity
- Incorporated Association
- Indigenous Corporation
- Local Government Entity
- Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
- Person
- Sole Trader
- Statutory Entity
- a school or correctional facility (note: State and Territory agencies and bodies may apply on behalf of a school or correctional facility, such as under NSW and WA funding arrangements for NAIDOC activities. Please refer to the separate Frequently Asked Questions document for further information)
- Applicants that are an eligible entity type must also have an account with an Australian financial institution.
- If you are applying as a person, you must be a permanent resident of Australia.
- If you are applying as a Trustee on behalf of a Trust, the Trustee must be an eligible entity type as listed above.
Community groups that are not eligible to apply for funding are encouraged to consider partnering with an eligible organisation in a consortium. Applications from consortia must be submitted by the eligible organisation as the lead applicant who is solely accountable to the Commonwealth for the delivery of grant activities and is an eligible entity as per the list above.
Applications close 22 February 2022.