Quick Response Grants will now be delivered monthly from February to November and all applications will be competitively assessed at the end of each month, you will not be advised about your grant application until five days after the end of each month. There are also changes to the amount you can apply for under this program. Individuals can apply for up to $3000, organisations can apply for up to $5000. There is no minimum grant amount.  There is a limited amount in this funding pool, so please ensure your budgets are accurate and you are only applying for the amount that you actually need.

The Quick Response Grants will continue to support immediate need that arises where the activity is unable to be planned for or supported in other funding rounds, for example taking up professional development, skills development or small project opportunities at short notice.

Projects must begin 2 – 12 weeks after the closing date of the round you are applying in. Applicants will be advised in writing of the outcome of your application no later than 5 business das from the date the round closes for Quick Response Grants (end of each month from February to November).

If your application involves working with children, as well as providing WWC check details you will be required to complete an online accreditation with Child Wise if your application is successful. This online course costs $121/person and can be completed by 1 member of the project team. This cost can be included in the project budget and you will need to send RANSW your credentials once you have completed the online modules. Only then will you receive your funds.

If your application involves working with Vulnerable Persons, all members of any successful project team must obtain an up-to-date Australian Federal Police Check. The AFP check costs $42/person and can be included in the project budget.


When the grant round is open, a link below will take you to the Regional Arts Australia online application system. If you have not used SmartyGrants before you will need to set up an account. This account and password can be used to go back to your application at any time and will be the same for any other grants you might apply for in the future using the SmartyGrants system.  Your application will be available to you until you click SUBMIT, or the closing date is reached.

Please Contact RANSW at funding@regionalartsnsw.com.au or phone 9270 2500 before applying


Quick Response Grants Guidelines 






For detailed information regarding eligibility, please see Eligibility-RAF

Before applying, also read Eligibility Notes for Applicants


If you have any enquiries about the RAF contact the Funding and Development Manager at Regional Arts NSW Tel 02 9270 2500 Email funding@regionalartsnsw.com.au. Successful applicants can download the RAF Logos HERE