Orana Arts invites Expressions of Interest from writers living and working in regional NSW to take part in enCounter, a writing project centred on a museum experience. During enCounter participating writers will develop a short work that is inspired by, based on or develops some part of a museum experience. The museum used will be at the discretion of each writer except that the museum must be located in regional NSW. Participating writers will attend a workshop weekend where a lead writer will explore aspects of the project such as writing for place, mixing fiction and non-fiction, and dealing with difficult stories. Writers will also be supported by a curator who is
guiding the entire enCounter program.
Each work will be approximately 1000 wds in length. The collected works will be published and made available for sale. Each writer will receive a professional fee of $800 for taking part in enCounter.
enCounter (writing) consists of:
● An online meeting prior to the workshop;
● Workshop weekend at venue to be confirmed (Mid North Coast);
● Publication of collected works from the project.
inScribe is funded by the NSW Government through CREATE NSW and has been developed and implemented by Orana Arts.
Compensation Participating writers will receive a professional fee of $800.
This is a Volunteers. Artists. Museums. Program (VAMP) project