Applications are now open for the 2022/32 Local Government Authorities (LGA) Arts and Cultural Projects funding. The funding supports Local Government arts and cultural projects that are essential to a contemporary, innovative and strong arts and cultural ecology in NSW.


The primary aims of the fund include:

  • building on the commitment by Local Councils to deliver hard and soft infrastructure to support arts and cultural activities across the State
  • providing funding for projects that deliver great arts and cultural outcomes for audiences
  • supporting the employment of artists and arts, cultural and museum workers to produce new work and
  • partnering with others to create unique experiences, events, and activities.

 Funding will be considered for projects that deliver outcomes of significant merit in arts and culture, including innovation and experimentation. Funding will not be available for core operational costs in including capital items, non-project staff, insurance and maintenance. 


Applications close on January 24, 2022. 

Find out more.


Credit: Jackie Okott, Do You See Us?, 2020, photograph, audio. Installation view, Something to Say exhibition. Image courtesy Wagga Wagga Art Gallery. Photograph by Tayla Martin.