dramatic digital experience based on a component of the National Museum of Australia’s internationally acclaimed exhibition Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters will be on exhibition at Tamworth Regional Gallery between Saturday 9 July and Sunday 28 August 2022.
Follow in the steps of the Seven Sisters and experience the immersive nature of a songline in this multi-sensory digital installation. Songlines, or Dreaming tracks, map the routes of Ancestral beings as they travelled across Australia, creating the land and its people.
Walking through a Songline allows audiences of all ages to immerse themselves in a space where paintings come to life, stories are visualised, and ancient knowledge is shared in a striking and artistic way. Local songlines are also being explored, with artwork from local First Nations artist Kaleb Waters on display.
Public entry to the Walking through a Songline exhibition at the Tamworth Regional Gallery is completely free. The Tamworth Regional Gallery is open 10am to 4pm daily.
Walking Through a Songline is developed by the National Museum of Australia and Mosster Studio with the support from the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program and the National Museum of Australia’s donor community.
The exhibition will be on show at the Tamworth REgional Gallery from 9 July – 28 August 2022.
Entry is FREE.