PAINT THE TOWN is the latest street art festival to hit Australia. Rolling out in four parts, PAINT THE TOWN will kick off in Wollondilly in spring 2022 before moving to Wingecarribee and Upper Lachlan in 2023. The final PAINT THE TOWN festival will happen in Goulburn Mulwaree in 2024. PAINT THE TOWN will see nationally established artists work simultaneously with emerging local talent.
It’s a four-part multi mural mega-festival that celebrates art, attracts visitors and creates a sense of pride for our local community.
Each PAINT THE TOWN festival will include two weeks of live mural painting complete with tours, movies, skate demos and music.
PAINT THE TOWN will create landmark sites of art and colour that celebrate the Southern Tablelands and Highlands region and commemorate our journey of regrowth, regeneration and rebirth since the devastating Black Summer Bushfires.
This project is funded in part by a contribution of $391,632 from the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants program to support the ongoing recovery of the region’s fire impacted communities.