The Country Arts Support Program (CASP) is a long-running annual small grants program supporting community arts and cultural development across regional NSW.

Arts Upper Hunter’s CASP program provides a wonderful opportunity to community groups and facilities in the Upper Hunter Region to develop a program, event, exhibition, performance, training opportunity or experience in their area.

The aim of the Country Arts Support Program is to support community arts and cultural development in regional NSW through small grants that:

  • Assist locally determined community arts and cultural activities
  • Increase opportunities for regionally based groups to access a diverse range of arts programs
  • Enable communities to explore and express their cultural identities
  • Bring social and economic benefits to the community through training, employment and promotional opportunities
  • Lead to greater awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity
  • Increase the sustainability and resilience of regionally based community arts organisations

CASP is not a recurrent fund. It really is for short-term projects with creative outcomes. Applications for Arts Upper Hunter Country Arts Support Program open on 28 March 2022 and close 5pm on Monday 16 May 2022 for projects to be completed by early 2023.

Find out more.