Sisters In Crime returns to Cobargo in late August. Join lead investigator Melissa Pouliot and a fantastic line-up of women crime writers including Candice Fox, Vikki Petraitis, Sulari Gentill, Fleur Ferris, Ilsa Evans, Dorothy Johnston, Caroline de Costa and Kay Schubach. 

Presented by Headland Writers Festival and Well Thumbed Books, this one-day program of conversations and panel discussions is not to be missed. 

Saturday 27 August @ Cobargo School of Arts Hall

10.00am: Vikki Petraitis in conversation with Melissa Pouliot

11.00am: Page to Screen: Adapting Crime Novels 
Panel – Candice Fox, Fleur Ferris, Kay Schubach, Sulari Gentill
Facilitator – Ilsa Evans

12.00noon to 1pm: LUNCH and book signings

1.00pm: Telling Powerful Crime Stories: Truth, Fiction, or Something In Between?
Panel – Ilsa Evans, Vikki Petraitis, Melissa Pouliot
Facilitator – Fluer Ferris

2.00pm: Crime Fiction is the Literature of Resistance
Panel – Caroline de Costa, Sulari Gentill, Dorothy Johnston
Facilitator – Vikki Petraitis

3.00pm: Afternoon Tea

3.30pm: Candice Fox in conversation with Vanessa Milton 

4.30pm – Book Signings

LUNCH: catering is not included in the ticket price, but you can purchase delicious food prepared by the Cobargo School of Arts Committee at a very reasonable cost for lunch and afternoon tea (cash only, all proceeds go to the hall).

BOOK SALES: Candelo Books will have the author’s books available for purchase, EFTPOS facilities available.

WRITING WORKSHOPS: SUNDAY 28 AUGUST In partnership with Bega Valley Shire Library, a series of writing workshops are planned for the Sunday in various locations presented by some of the SISTERS IN CRIME. Stay tuned for details and registrations coming soon.

Date and time

Sat 27th Aug 2022, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm AEST


Cobargo School of Arts Hall
20 Cobargo Bermagui Rd, Cobargo NSW 2550, Australia

Get tickets here.