ANZ Seeds of Renewal is a small grants program designed to help build vibrant and sustainable rural communities, to ensure the ongoing prosperity of regional Australia.
This year, the program celebrates 20 years of collaboration, demonstrating ANZ’s ongoing commitment to shape a world where people and communities thrive. It is built on two key tenets:
- Vibrant communities are diverse and inclusive with strong social capital, where everyone can participate and build a better life; and
- Sustainable communities innovate, expand, and create opportunities that will deliver demonstrable medium to long-term economic benefit to the community, contributing to economic sustainability.
Through the Seeds of Renewal program, ANZ commits $250,000 which is distributed through grants of up to $15,000 to community organisations for projects that will help their community thrive.
All requests will be considered with a focus on the priority areas listed below:
- Projects that will deliver demonstrable medium to long-term benefit to a regional Australian community of 15,000 people or fewer;
- Projects that benefit a large number of people from a diverse range of social groups;
- Projects that encourage inclusion and participation of under-represented or marginalised groups;
- Projects that demonstrate co-contributions (either in-kind or from other funding sources) and broad community support will be looked upon favourably – it is highly recommended that you include these within your application.
Closes: 5pm AEST 3 August 2022