The 2021 recipient of the Alan Sisley Memorial has been announced! Regional & Public Galleries NSW has announced Sabrina Roesner, Artistic Program Lead, Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, as the recipient of the 2021 Alan Sisley Memorial Fellowship.


Sabrina Roesner is an Artistic Program Manager, Curator and Arts Leader with over 15 years’ experience working in the arts and cultural sector. The fellowship is designed to provide funds for a professional gallery staff member to dedicate time to research and develop ideas that will benefit their organisation in the areas of exhibition, collection, public programs, audience development and partnerships.


Sabrina has indicated she will use the Fellowship to undertake research, develop resources, and report on best practice approaches to embedding environmental sustainability principles into the operations and programming of the NSW cultural sector.


The selection committee found Sabrina Roesner’s application stood out as a project that will have sustained benefit both for the Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, and the sector more broadly.


On receiving the Fellowship, Sabrina commented, “I am absolutely thrilled to receive the Alan Sisley Memorial Fellowship from RPG NSW! It will assist me to conduct an industry wide survey to evaluate current practice, challenges, and aspirations to champion environmental action within the regional and wider NSW arts & cultural sector.


I believe that this survey and broader research into eco-sustainability in the arts is timely and highly relevant and will provide a meaningful benefit both for the Blue Mountains Cultural Centre, and the NSW public gallery sector more broadly. Particularly for those in regional NSW, who have faced recent extreme weather, drought and fire events and need to adapt to a changing climate.”


The Fellowship is named in honour of Alan Sisley (1952-2014), Director of Orange Regional Gallery from 1991 to 2014 and is awarded biennially.