RANSW invites you to the Work of Art Showcase and Forum, a two-day conversation about the future of regional arts practice.
Work of Art is a pilot business development program for women working in the creative industries in regional NSW run by Regional Arts New South Wales (RANSW) with funding from Women NSW. Program delivery partners include 14 Regional Arts Development Organisations (RADOs), Creative Plus Business, Arts Law, THE Rural Woman Co-operative, the Ladies Finance Club and leading industry mentors.
Both the unique benefits and challenges of being regionally-based brought this talented cohort of over 60 women together despite the geographic distance between them and the wide range of arts practices represented. This event, made possible with funding from Women NSW, the Regional Arts Fund and Theatre Network New South Wales, is both a showcase of the participants’ creative businesses and an open-ended dialogue about what it means to be a regional arts practitioner.
Two-Day General Admission: $70
General Admission Thursday: $30
General Admission Friday: $40
Cabaret: $10
Sip and Support Social: $50
Program Schedule
11:30 am – 17:30 pm: Film & Reels Showing — Orange Regional Art Gallery Theatrette
Works being shown include films by and about WOA participants, short reels about each WOA participant, and a short documentary about the WOA program.
11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Orange Regional Museum Session #1 led by Sally MacLennan from Orange Regional Museum
Visit Orange Regional Museum to learn about a new opportunity to creatively respond to an object from their collection in your preferred artform to help them interpret their collection in new ways. Meet 10 diverse objects from the collection, discover what they already know about them and how they hope to use them, and your creative response, in our exhibitions and programs.
12:00 pm – 13:00 pm: Workshop: Fragments of Collaboration with Elaine Camlin — Orange Regional Gallery West Room
Using large sheets of paper, draw, paint, write and collage together. Learn to respond to others, follow their marks and lines and enjoy the collaborative process. Reflect on and imagine new possibilities for creativity outside of major metropolitan areas. This workshop is suited for all audiences, with no experience in visual arts required to participate, engage and enjoy.
We will cut these into fragments for each person to keep as a memento of the experience, conversation and collaboration. Then you will be guided to cut and fold your fragment into a concertina book, walk away holding the fragment of collaboration in the palm of your hand, and use the blank spaces to write notes or reflect on presentations throughout the forum.
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm: Open Air Welcome Concert — Orange Cultural Precinct Outdoor Area
Performances by Alyce Fisher, Abby Smith, Carm Hogan, Melanie Horsenell, Keva Abotomey. Start the Work of Art Showcase and Forum by gathering in the outdoor area of Orange Cultural Prelcinct to meet up, listen to some music or drop into an arts workshop in the West Room of the Gallery. Bring your own lunch.
12:45 pm – 13:00 pm: Dance Work by Beth Lane — Orange Cultural Precinct Outdoor Area
Beth Lane will present a movement piece which will then lead to going inside to the gallery to open the event.
13:00 pm – 13:30 pm: Welcome to Country & Opening by Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council —
13:30 pm – 14:00 pm: Intro: Systems Change presented by Pippa Bailey of Theatre Network NSW — Canobolas Hotel Ballroom
What is systems change and why are we using this approach for the Work of Art Showcase and Forum? A look at how we can make change and re-imagine the future. All Forum attendees are encouraged to attend this session.
13:30 pm – 14:00 pm: Exhibition Opening — CWA Hall
14:00 pm – 17:30 pm: Exhibitions
2D hanging work in Scout Hall – Main Room
Projections in Scout Hall – Small Room
3D work in CWA Hall – Main Hall
Merch table in CWA Hall – Small Room
A small amount of work will hang in The Canobolas
14:00 pm – 15:00 pm: Forum Roundtable #1: Sustainability — Cabobolas Hotel Ballroom
All attendees of the Forum are encouraged to attend this session.
What does sustainability mean for the arts in regional NSW and how do we embed it in our practice? Presented in partnership with Theatre Network NSW and facilitated by Monica Davidson of Creative Plus Business, this will explore the different lenses through which sustainability in the arts can be viewed. Whether a sustainable future depends on environmental, social, economic or other factors, sustainability is arguably one of the most pressing concerns for the arts sector in regional NSW.
15:30 pm – 16:30 pm: Panel #1: Arts & Wellbeing — Canobolas Hotel Media Room
How does creativity assist us in health settings and in our own practice? Aimee Davis, Carm Hogan, Elaine Camlin, Linda Nolan and Rach Viski discuss with Brigette Uren.
15:30 pm – 16:30 pm: WoA Short Presentations — Canobolas Hotel Chesterfield Room
Group #1 of the 20×20 (Pecha Kucha) presentations. Catherine Sharpe, Charlotte Haywood, Keva Abotomey, Kiri Morcombe, Lucy Frost, Mel Anderson and Merri-May Gill.
15:30 pm – 16:30 pm: Dance Workshop with Beth Lane — Orange Cultural Precinct Outdoor Area
A movement workshop for all bodies and abilities to expand the senses, ground the centre and enliven curiosity for art making.
16:30 pm – 17:30 pm: Panel #2: Regional Women: The Pros & Cons of Regional Practice —
Women have widely been considered to be at a disadvantage in the creative industries, but can being regionally located also enable women? Charlotte Haywood, Fanny Lumsden, Helene Leane and Madeline Williams discuss with Seigrid Peters.
16:30 pm – 17:30 pm: Workshop with Suzie Whiteman — Orange Regional Gallery West Room
As an experienced workshop facilitator working with people with disability, Suzie will show some techniques and approaches that she uses successfully in her practice. Assisted by WoA participant Nina Magrath.
17:30 pm – 18:30 pm: Work in Progress: Viv! with Catherine McNamara — Uniting Church
Inspired by her niece, Catherine’s work explores the world and imaginiation of a young girl. Performed with music by Cindy Fox and with members of Compareo, a mixed-abilities theatre ensemble based in Bathurst.
19:00 pm – 19:30 pm: Cabaret — Badlands Brewery
09:30 am – 17:30 pm: Film & Reels Showing — Orange Regional Art Gallery Theatrette
Works being shown include films by and about WOA participants, short reels about each WOA participant, and a short documentary about the WOA program.
09:30 am – 17:30 pm: Exhibitions
2D hanging work in Scout Hall – Main Room
Projections in Scout Hall – Small Room
3D work in CWA Hall – Main Hall
Merch table in CWA Hall – Small Room
A small amount of work will hang in The Canobolas
09:00 am – 10:00 am: Forum Roundtable #2: Inclusion — Canobolas Hotel Ballroom
The arts and creative industries are central to our regional communities, but who is not at the table? All attendees of the Forum are encouraged to attend this session facilitated by Monica Davidson.
10:00 am – 11:00 am: The Big Meet-Up Circuit — Canobolas Hotel Ballroom
Meet representatives from arts organisations, funding bodies and other industry leaders in a session of musical chairs. Arts organisations representatives will each be placed at a table in The Ballroom, and you will have 5 x 10 minute sessions to sit at a table and meet the representative on that table and ask questions in a group. Arts bodies represented include Create NSW (NSW Government); Office of the Arts (Australian Government); Regional Arts NSW; Accessible Arts; Theatre Network NSW; Health Infrastructure; Music NSW and others.
11:30 am – 13:00 pm: WoA Film Showcase & Panel #4: Regional Film — Orange Regional Art Gallery Theatrette
This session will highlight the achievements of the film-makers in the Work of Art program – Kush Bourke, Merri-May Gill, Michéle Jedlicka and Suzie Whiteman – developed under the mentorship of Work of Art film and screen mentor Lois Randall.
11:30 am – 13:00 pm: Weaving Workshop with Jodie Munday — Orange Regional Gallery West Room
Led by Wiradjuri woman and Work of Art participant Jodie Munday, this session will give participants the opportunity to learn weaving techniques and to make together. The workshop has a limit of 20 participants, with online bookings opening online around a week in advance.
11:30 am – 13:00 pm: 20×20 #2 WoA Women’s Short Presentations — Canobolas Hotel Chesterfield Room
Group #2 of the 20×20 (Pecha Kucha) presentations. Alyce Fisher, Carm Hogan, Claire Peters, Elaine Camllin, Eliza Wells, Jane Richens, Leanne Atkins, Rebecca Cutler, Sharon de Valentin, Sivonne Binks and TC Overson.
12:00 pm – 13:00 pm: Panel #3: Disability and Regional Artists — Canobolas Hotel Media Room
This panel discussion with Nina Magrath, Elise Magrat, Narelle Witham and Catherine McNamara, moderated by Liz Martin, CEO of Accessible Arts, will discuss the issues of being a regional artist with disability.
13:00 pm – 14:00 pm: Tiny Folk Travelling Show Workshop with Mel Anderson — Orange Regional Gallery East Room
Mel Anderson has been working on the Tiny Folk project for some time. In this session you will learn about the porject and have the opportunity to make your own Work or Art example of Tiny Folk with their own back story.
13:00 pm – 14:00 pm: Panel #5: Slow Fibre and Textiles: Mindful Making — Canobolas Hotel Media Room
This is a panel made up women in Work of Art who all have practices working with fibre and textiles. Susan Fell will lead the discussion with Megan Gilbert, Penne Fraser, Kiri Morcombe and Jodie Munday about the issues that arise from working in this field.
13:30 pm- 15:00 pm: Workshop: Woodworking as Meditative Practice with Rachel Shaw — Orange Cultural Precinct Outdoor Area
This session will focus on conscious wood carving as a meditative practice that focuses on the present moment and the tactile experience of shaping wood. By mindfully engaging in this activity, the repetitive motions and concentration required help to calm the mind. This practice allows for a deep connection with the material, creating a sense of peace and relaxation.
15:00 pm – 16:00 pm: Project Showcase — Canobolas Hotel Media Room
This session is an opportunity for WoA participants who focus on project management to share their work. Rachel Viski, Eliza Wells, Narelle Witham, Michele Jedlicka, Kiri Morcombe, Sig Peters and Lucy Frost.
15:30 pm – 16:30 pm: Orange Regional Museum Session #2 led by Sally MacLennan from Orange Regional Museum
Visit Orange Regional Museum to learn about a new opportunity to creatively respond to an object from their collection in your preferred artform to help them interpret their collection in new ways. Meet 10 diverse objects from their collection, discover what they already know about them and how they hope to use them, and your creative response, in their exhibitions and programs.
16:00 pm – 17:00 pm: Forum Roundtable #3: Being Regional — Canobolas Hotel Ballroom
Has being regional become the most exciting place to be in the arts? Find out in this session facilitated by Monica Davidson. All attendees of the Forum are encouraged to attend this session.
17:00 pm – 18:00 pm: Theatre In Progress — Uniting Church
Two short excerpts from theatre work in progress. River Songs from Carm Hogan and some comedy from Alyce Fisher.
18:00 pm – 19:30 pm: Sip and Support Social Arts Fundraiser — The Hive
This event with drinks, canapes and an auction of art work and services by some of the Work of Art women, is a fundraiser initiated by Work of Art women during the co-design process. Funds raised will go towards a scholarship for a regional woman in the arts and creative industries in NSW.
21:00 pm – 22:00 pm: Live Gig with Abby Smith — Badlands Brewery
A professional singer/songwriter, recording artist, gigging musician and educator based in central NSW, Abby Smith will be performing a free live solo gig of her original music.