Applications are currently open for two positions at Regional Arts NSW: Funding and Development Manager and Operations and Engagement Officer.

See the position descriptions below or click the position titles above to see them on ArtsHub.


Funding and Development Manager

Full-time position

Based at the Rocks, Sydney

Salary of $66,500 plus superannuation

The Funding and Development Manager at Regional Arts NSW (RANSW) is responsible for managing the grants programs we administer. In addition to this, the Funding and Development Manager assists the RANSW Board with seeking philanthropic funds to assist with the delivery of programs to benefit arts practice and strategic development in regional NSW. The position requires an understanding of regional NSW and of the arts and culture sector.


Regional Arts NSW (RANSW) is the peak body for regional arts development in NSW.

The Funding and Development Manager works closely with the CEO to address the key areas of the RANSW Strategic Plan:

– Goal One: Advocate: Promote and champion the regional arts and cultural sector in NSW
– Goal Two: Support: Support and strengthen the arts and cultural sector in regional NSW
– Goal Three: Lead: Lead the sector and drive investment in arts and culture through best practice operations at RANSW

The Funding and Development Manager works closely with the CEO to administer all of RANSW’s grant programs. They also assist the CEO with a fundraising and income program for the organisation and contribute to RANSW’s operational efficiency, research and program delivery.

The funding program administered by RANSW includes:

– The Regional Arts Fund
     – Annual Project Funding Round
     – Monthly Quicks Grants
– The Windmill Trust Regional Artist Scholarship
– A new art prize in development

The Position

The Funding and Development Manager is a full-time role (35 hours a week). Once a probation period has been completed, the role is ongoing, subject to continued funding. RANSW would also consider employing someone at a 0.8 load if that was preferable to the successful candidate.

The Funding and Development Manager is part of a small team based at our office in the Arts Exchange at:

Level 1, 10 Hickson Rd

The Rocks NSW 2000

There is an expectation that the Funding and Development Manager works in the office with the option to work from home on Fridays.

Key Responsibilities

– Provide comprehensive management and administration of all grants programs managed by RANSW using both the SmartyGrants system and the in-house system
– Develop annual timelines and schedules for funding programs including opening and closing dates, assessment dates and announcements and ensure that the information is effectively promoted to target audiences
– Ensure a full knowledge of all the guidelines for the funding programs
– Monitor and review grant applications for eligibility
– Coordinate funding assessment panels and prepare applications for assessment
– Liaise closely with Finance to ensure that all payment a recorded and processed speedily
– Provide timely and accurate reporting to Regional Arts Australia (RAA) as per the deeds and agreements, the Windmill Trust and any other funding partners.
– Provide funding reports to the CEO and to the Board of RANSW
– Ensure all policy documents relating to grants are kept current
– Respond to all public enquiries regarding the grants programs.
– Research and develop new funding programs
– Provide clear and concise reports for all board meetings and the annual report gathering appropriate statistical information to demonstrate the value of the programs.
– Identify fundraising opportunities for RANSW and support the CEO and Board to develop donors
– Assist in data collection and management for RANSW research
– Liaise with the NSW Regional Arts Development Organisations (RADO) Network
– Attend RANSW events and meetings when required
– Support the program delivery of RANSW

Selection Criteria:

– Experience in the arts funding programs. The position requires the ability to manage timelines, promotion of funding opportunities, eligibility checks, assessment processes and panels, payment approvals and acquittals. Experience in using funding systems such as SmartyGrants would be advantageous.
– Proficiency in using a range of software such as databases and spreadsheets and willingness to learn new programs
– Ability to collect and analyse data
– Good written communication skills including writing reports
– Good verbal and listening skills, able to communicate well with a range of artists, organisations and stakeholders, to provide clear information and provide feedback
– Ability to contribute well as a team player and work with others while also being able to work independently
– Able to meet compliance and follow rules and guidelines with attention to detail
– An understanding of fundraising approaches
– Strong organisational skills with the ability to manage multiple tasks and deadlines effectively

Regional Arts NSW strongly supports a diverse workplace that supports access and equity for all employees.

Please apply by the 24th of January with a CV and a cover letter addressing the selection criteria and send to:

RANSW CEO Tracey Callinan:

02 9270 2500 / 0418 618 688




Operations and Engagement Officer


Based in The Rocks, Sydney



Regional Arts NSW is NSW’s peak body for regional arts, supporting the work in arts and cultural development in regional NSW, including supporting the 15 Regional Development Arts Organisations (RADOs) based across the state.

Regional Arts NSW (RANSW) is seeking an Operations and Engagement Officer with good administration skills and knowledge of the arts sector to lead on the office management and communication of the organisation and to assist on projects. As part of a small, collaborative team working in a supportive environment, the Operations and Engagement Officer will need good communications skills, initiative and the ability to organise efficiently across the day-to-day operations of RANSW. The position requires some coordination of the projects being delivered by RANSW, many of which operate online. These include skill development workshops, strategic developments in regional NSW, networking sessions and coordinating events with the RADO network.

The Operations and Engagement Officer is frequently the first port of call for people contacting RANSW. It is therefore essential that they are able to respond well to enquiries from the public, stakeholders, RADOs, government, arts practitioners and suppliers. They need to be able to ensure that all aspects of RANSW communications are managed effectively. They need to display a good knowledge of the arts sector and will benefit from having experience of living within regional NSW. They work closely with the organisation’s CEO while also supporting and liaising with the Funding and Development Manager, the Membership and Strategic Development Manager and our finance management providers.

Position Details

The position is a full-time load of 35 hours a week

The position is based in the Regional Arts NSW Office, based at The Arts Exchange, The Rocks in Sydney. RANSW staff members are expected to work from the office except on Fridays when they can work from home

The Operations and Engagement Officer is accountable to the CEO of RANSW

The position is being offered at a starting salary of $66,500 per annum with superannuation paid additional to this.

The position is subject to a 3 month probation period and the position holder will be part of an annual performance review aimed at providing support and opportunities for development.

RANSW supports staff undergoing professional development opportunities

What You Will Be Doing

– Meetings:
     – Managing the admin requirements for meetings with RADO staff, RANSW members and subscribers, stakeholders including Regional Arts Australia, Create NSW, and Australian Government’s Office for the Arts and others, either face-to-face or online.
     – Managing online platforms, meeting invitations, agendas, taking notes and minutes and ensuring that they are distributed and looking after other requirements such as room bookings or catering
– Coordinating field trips including travel bookings and meeting confirmations
– Preparing Board meeting agendas, taking and distributing minutes. Liaising with Board members about administration requirements, travel and accommodation
– Coordinating RANSW functions
– Office management:
     – Responding to enquiries by phone and email
     – Banking
     – Purchasing
     – Managing IT requirements
     – Assisting with reports
     – Managing online booking systems for events and workshops
     – Managing RANSW calendar
     – Coordinate with building management and owners to ensure that the office is safe, functional and compliant
     – Managing the introduction of a new Salesforce system and liaising with system developers
– Communications:
     – RANSW website management
     – Monthly newsletter and other information sharing
     – Social media
     – Media releases
     – Media contacts
     – Liaising with the staff team to coordinate communications content
– Project Management
     – Assist with engaging and contracting artists
     – Ensure WHS standards and met and risk assessments are completed
     – Liaise with project participants
     – Manage timelines and delivery schedules
     – Contribute to project evaluation processes

Essential Criteria

– Demonstrated high level skills with software programs including Microsoft Office and online platforms (Zoom, Event management pages (eg. Humanitix), Mail Chimp, Word Press, Survey Monkey)
– Demonstrated ability to manage social media programs and other communications tools
– Knowledge of the arts sector including arts funding
– Strong written and oral communication skills
– Excellent customer service skills
– Ability to work effectively as a member of a small team
– Ability to manage workload and competing priorities
– Skills in finding information and collating information

Desirable Criteria

– Knowledge of regional NSW and regional issues
– Experience in organising events or arts programs
– Knowledge of governance procedures for organisations
– Experience with databases and with Salesforce software
– Drivers licence
– First aid certificate

Please apply by the 24th of January with a CV and a cover letter addressing the selection criteria and send to:

RANSW CEO Tracey Callinan:

02 9270 2500 / 0418 618 688