Applications to Arts Mid North Coast’s 2022 Country Arts Support Program (CASP) is now open for Creative Ageing/Intergenerational projects

For 2022, Arts MNC’s CASP grants will prioritise projects that involve participatory arts activities that actively include older people or intergenerational programs that bring together older and younger people.

Projects may include but are not limited to workshops, arts activities as part of community events, artist-in-residence programs, public art and design projects, performances, community forums and exhibitions.

Grants of up to $2,000 are available primarily for professional artists’ fees, art materials, venue hire, travel and accommodation.

Country Arts Support Program (CASP) is an annual small grants program that aims to support community arts and cultural development in regional NSW, guided by Create NSW Arts and Cultural Funding Program, delivered in partnership with the 14 Regional Arts Development Organisations.

Resources are available to assist you with your application. Please contact Arts Mid North Coast to discuss your application before submitting through SmartyGrants.

Telephone: 02 6658 9400 or Email:

Applications close Thursday 30 June at 5pm AEST.